Spring Open Day 2023 Final Newsletter
Hello Gardeners
After months of hard work, we’re excited our Spring Open Day is nearly here and we’re hoping you’ll come along and share it with us. Whilst the weather forecast is predicting a little rain, it doesn’t look like it’s going to be as much as last year. Grab your umbrella or raincoats and spend some time in our lovely garden.
Stock up on warm weather plants and seedlings from our plant sale. Join a talk on herbs and a tour of the garden. Grab a cake or sausage sizzle and relax and enjoy the tunes from a local community ukulele group. Make sure you buy some tickets in our raffle as once again we have a great range of prizes donated by local businesses and people. There’s lots of activities for children to enjoy.
Lastly, it’s a great opportunity to renew your garden membership, not a member you can join at the open day.
All money raised as part of the Open Day will go to maintaining and improving the garden and holding education workshops.
Plant Sale
After lots of TLC by our hard-working propagation team of volunteers, we have a large range of spring/summer seedlings and plants ready for their new home.
We have a wonderful selection of raffle prizes that have been donated by local business and people.
All money raised from the raffle goes towards maintaining and improving North Brighton Community Garde.
Tickets will be available to purchase at the Open Day. Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5.
Raffle will be drawn at the Spring Open Day around 1.30pm.
Prizes are:
Hill River wine donated by garden member Angela
Health & Beauty pack donated by Prospect Pharmacy
Large pot filled with Yates Garden products, donated by Yates
SA Composters have donated a cubic metre of any one of their products to be pick up from Londsdale.
Pot plants donated by Bunnings Marion (these will be 3 separate prizes)
$50 Bunnings Voucher, donated by Bunnings Marion
Parliamentary wine pack donated by Sarah Andrews, MP
Charlesworth basket, donated by garden member Barbara F
Print by Sue Norman, donated by the garden committee.
Wine pack donated by Patritti
Childrens Activities
We’ve been very fortunate to have some very special volunteers donate their time and skills to arrange and run a number of different children's activities.
Floral mandalas - 10am to 12pm – Sue Norman will guide children to create nature-based mandalas. Unfortunately, this has been cancelled as Sue has broken her ankle. We wish Sue a speedy recovery.
Nature Potion Play- 10a m to 2pm - Janet has put together a great nature-based activity for children of all ages. Look for her near the banana palms.
Butterfly Bookmarks 10am to 2pm - Margi has created an activity for children to decorate and create very cute and colour butterfly bookmarks.
There will also be butterfly and sunflower photo props, plus scavenger hunt cards and chalk drawing.
All these activities are free, but if you can a gold coin donation would be appreciated.
Herb Talk
Sandra Stuart from the Herb Society of South Australia will be giving a talk on all things to do with herbs, at the Spring Open Day. Why not hang around for a tour afterwards and learn what herbs we are growing and what you can grow at home?
When: 15th October 2023
Time: 11am (for about 1 hour)
Where: North Brighton Community Garden, 61 Bowker Street, North Brighton
Cost: Free
Garden Tour & Garden Design
Come and see how much our garden has grown over the past few years with an in-depth garden tour guided by our Chairperson and resident landscape designer, Beau Warren (Barefoot Creative). This will be a detailed tour explaining may of the ideas behind the design and will have plenty of time available to ask your own gardening & design questions.
When: 15th October 2023
Time: 12:30pm (for about 1 hour)
Where: North Brighton Community Garden, 61 Bowker Street, North Brighton
Cost: Free
Food &
Refreshments on the day
Bake Sale - grab something to have with a coffee or take home for later.
Sausage sizzle $3 each
Drinks $2 each
A big thank you to Marion Bakers Delights and Brighton Foodland for their support of the BBQ.
Coffee Van - coffee will be available from 10am
Important Notes on Baked Goods:
Due to new food handling rules, we cannot sell bake goods that contain fresh cream or custard. Fake cream is ok to use.
All bake goods need to come a complete list of ingredients including brands used, so people can check for any allergens.
Spring Open Day - Volunteers
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to help on the day. Please collect a name badge before starting on your job for the day. These will be under the pergola or see Lisa.
Local community ukulele group ‘Bukes’ will be providing entertainment from 10.30am.
Important Information - Change to garden Opening Times
The garden will be closed to everyone, including plot holders from 3pm Saturday 14th October and will reopen around 8am Sunday 15th October.
General Garden Membership Renewal
It’s that time of the year when garden membership renewal is due (current general garden membership expires on October 31st, the gate code will be reset after this).
Not a garden/financial member, now is also a great time to join as a garden member.
Membership fees are a low $10 per household renewable in October each year.
Money from memberships go towards maintaining our wonderful garden.
To help keep administration simple for our volunteer’s electronic payment is preferred, payment details can be found on our website Membership — https://www.northbrightoncg.com/membership.
Our Spring Open Day is the perfect opportunity to pay general membership either by EFTPOS or cash.
Happy Gardening
Lisa & North Brighton Community Garden Committee