New Arts + Crafts Group

We're excited to say that the North Brighton Community Garden now has an Art and Craft group!

Our first project is to decorate the pergola with knitted and crocheted pieces (Yarn Bomb).

If you would like to be involved in this project, we need people to create individual knitted or crochet yarn pieces that will then be joined together and then used to cover parts of the pergola, in time for the plant sale in May.

yarn bombing.PNG
yarn bomb plan.jpg

Yarn Bombing Project Details·

  • Create individual pieces of knitting or crochet that can then be joined to other completed pieces. The individual pieces can be as simple or detailed as you like and in any colour.

  • The finished size of the Yarn piece should be around 20cm x 30cm or smaller (if smaller can be square or rectangle).

  • You may already have a partially completed project that could be donated to our Yarn Bombing project, for example I started a crocheting granny squares years ago that never got made into anything and might now find a new home in the community garden.

  • Think about reusing, recycling or upcycling when considering what yarn to use. If you’re like me you’re likely to have left over yarn from other projects that could be used, or checkout your local op shop or an unravelling old jumper and reusing the yarn.

  • Yarn pieces are required by or before the 8th of May.

Contributions can be dropped off at the garden during a Wednesday morning tea or left in the letter box. Otherwise bring them along to the working bee, where the yarn pieces will be joined and used to cover the pergola (date to be notified).

Any questions or comment please email them to

Warm Regards
Arts & Crafts Group