Newsletter - May/ June 2020

Newsletter - May/ June 2020

Well, we have seen the winter solstice come and pass. We have now experienced the shortest day of the year and are beginning to move towards longer and warmer times. 

We have embraced the past chilly weather as a time to plan, reflect and get the last of our winter crops in. 

We have a few exciting things coming up and we are always looking for more help and insight. Get in touch to offer a hand or lend some advice!



After many (many!) rainy weekends we have finally booked in our timber delivery for THIS SATURDAY. 

Can you help this weekend to unload the timber (it's an early morning start - possibly 7am  to 8am)?

Or can you help paint the frame this weekend?

Can you help other weekends with the building? 

Sensory Garden

We are so excited to announce that we have been awarded a grant through Grants SA and the Department of Human Services! 

This grant will assist us in further developing our sensory garden and in doing so extend social connections and services for the community. 

The development will look like more plants (of course!), a water feature, bird feeders, information signs, textured paths and easy mobility paths, artwork, seating areas and... A PIZZA OVEN!

Do you have anything you'd like to see? Can you help? 

sensory garden SQUARE.png
spring open day.png

Spring Open Day

We have decided to tentatively choose a date for our Spring Open Day - Sunday, 18th October.

We hope this day can be a celebration for the community to enjoy coming together and connecting. 

SA Urban Food Network

Have you heard of the SA Urban Food Network? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Their aim is to increase access to fresh, locally grown food, so everyone in our state can enjoy the benefits of healthy eating, increased skills and improved welbeing, while also helping protect our precious land, water and soil. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
There are a bunch of case studies on the website, which is a growing wealth of information looking at various urban food initiatives (written by yours truly 😉)⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If you’re keen to be part of a movement that builds skills and initiatives for the health of our land and communities, the SA Urban Food Network is for you!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You can join the network – it’s free! Head to their website to become a member! >>

Want to get involved?

If you have something you would like to see happen at the garden, let us know! 

We value your input as a community member and hope you feel comfortable taking the initiative to help make this garden flourish. 

That's it for now! 

Hope everyone is well and can spend some time out in a garden today, wherever you are. 

North Brighton Community Garden