Keep calm, (but don't necessarily) carry on (as usual)

Keep calm, (but don't necessarily) carry on (as usual)

Like many others, we have been keeping a pretty keen eye on the news circulating about coronavirus. The situation is serious, but this does not need to be a time for panic. This could be a time for a real reconsideration of our health and food systems and what it means to have strong resilience as a community. As this virus disturbs everyday life, it continues to place a strain upon health services and the most vulnerable people in our communities. 

With this in mind, we can remember that we have the opportunity to relieve some of this strain by looking after ourselves and community. Remember that there are people in our community that might need extra support during this uncertain time. Many people are dropping notes into their neighbour's letterboxes offering support and promoting #viralkindess. As a community, we endeavor to make choices that support our health, keep us connected, and enable us to be a part of the solution.

We have planned our open day and various other small gatherings over the next month or so. We have been following recommendations for holding events closely, and at this time, we have chosen to postpone garden events, catch-ups, and working bees.

You are still welcome to come to the garden though, and plot holders are welcome (and encouraged) to continue to look after their plots.

We will continue to follow these guidelines closely and will continue to plan our Open Day for another time. We want to enjoy the garden with you all, but we also feel a keen responsibility to look after ourselves, members and the wider community. 

Please note, that if you have cold symptoms, are unwell, or have been in contact with people from overseas or have been in contact with people who are unwell the best thing you can do for yourself and community is to seek medical support and stay home. 

Please know that our choices are always driven by doing the best for our community and please reach out if you need support or feel upset about this current situation.

What we were planning for you all…

autumn open day.jpg

Open Day postponed.

Our message to you before making the decision to postpone:

We love sharing the garden with you all // Everyone is welcome, short, slow and tall // April 19th is when we will open our gate // So come along, chat, eat and create ❤

We'd like to thank the talented Harrison Vial for creating another amazing piece of artwork for us. Harrison is an Adelaide-based illustrator who also designed the information sign on our front fence. Check out his work here. 


  • Working-bees

  • Saturdays and Wednesday catch-ups

  • Our autumn open day

  • General meetings

NOT postponed…

  • Going to the garden by yourself or family to relax

  • Going to the garden to water your plot

In the meantime, have a think about groups you could join in the future...let's start planning!

We are starting to form little action groups that can take on specific jobs at the garden. Are you interested in any of the following? If so, get in touch!

  • Compost, worm farm, closed loop, waste free, bokashi

  • Creating a kids space near the citrus trees

  • Helping organise events

  • …Anything else?

Stay tuned for more information...