Mad March? Yep. 100% mad.

Mad March? Yep. 100% mad. 

It's been strange having the garden "closed". We haven't had workshops, working-bees or any sort of gathering for that matter....we had to cancel our Autumn Open anyone else having withdrawals?

I must admit, I was a bit miffed by the idea that a community garden couldn't exercise one of its basic functions, which is to create community! I thought OMG what are we going to do?! 

But after that little drama queen session, I got busy. Our community that yes, despite physical/social distancing, got busy and continued to thrive. We thought about ways to keep connected and here is what we came up with....

1. Think about the positives that this time has brought you and your family (surely, there is a silver lining there somewhere?)

Are you finding more time to learn new skills? Are you getting to wear pyjamas all day? Are you fortunate enough to still get what you need from the shops? Let us know what your silver lining is!

2. Come along to our PLANT SALE - at a distance!

We understand that it's tricky to get plants and seeds at the moment...don't stress! We got you.

These seedlings were supposed to be a big fundraiser at our Autumn Open day (now postponed) so we will be selling these for a gold coin donation each.

Starting 1pm THIS SATURDAY @ the garden

Our members will make sure to physically distance themselves from you ❤ Please try and come throughout the afternoon (we will be there until around 4pm) so that not everyone is arriving at once... Please respect each other's space ❤ At please only 1 person at the table at one time. We won't be giving change because we don't want to handle money - so please just bring coins! 

Plants on offer...
🌿 Spring onion 🌱 Spinach 🥕 Carrot 🍃 Beetroot 🌶 Goji berries 🍓 Strawberries

Facebook event here

3. Follow our FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM

Over the next few weeks, we will be having guests on our social media that will give you loads of interesting and inspiring content. These guests will post for a week and take you along for a journey of learning. Fist up is Daniella (@thedanielladiary) who knows all preserving, cooking and eating (and seedling raising, too!) We might not be able to catch-up physically, but we sure can connect virtually, so feel free to comment and add your own ideas along the way! 

+ we will also email out the week's content for anyone who doesn't have facebook/ instagram! 

4. We are doing a GIVEAWAY! It's five days of five prizes. 

For five days we will be giving away meet the challenge! If you can complete the challenge - and send us evidence by tagging us, posting a photo in comments on Facebook or emailing us - then you will go into the draw to win!

This won't start for another week or so (as we are waiting for one of the prizes to be delivered!

5. Recipe sharing

We will be sharing some recipes that are tried and tested! They will be in season and often made by our members using produce straight from the garden!

Think you have a winner recipe? Send it our way!